
The Queen seizes control of her Treasury

Posted in Bank of England, banks, Britain, Gordon Brown, The Queen by Deputy city editor on March 29, 2009


One knows the value of an audience

The Queen debags the prime minister

Even though I am by nature a Republican (in England – even if a monarchiste in France) it needs to be admitted that Her Majesty has pulled a blinder, whether or not you want to call it a coup. It was the first time in 57 years she had granted an audience to the man who signs her money; it was of course a coincidence that Bank of England Governor Mervyn King (presumptuous surname) had spent the morning telling MPs that he had declined the prime minister’s credit card.

All this as the demented/self-deluded sub-prime minister was being humiliated in Strasbourg, before flying to South America to be humiliated again, while psychotically imagining that he is saving the world and his own discredited regime with it.

Her Majesty’s deftness was astounding – a move combining media cunning, split-second news cycle timing, and unmistakable symbology (look at that handshake – no gloves) all culminating in the magic of a puff of smoke, as The Queen once again disappeared, answering no questions, telling no lies.

The woman is truly amazing: she may not be a genius but is even better, like a very wise old horse. She has been around the course many times, and knows every single hedge, ditch and rabbit hole. Like the rest of us, she has no confidence in Gordon Brown. (You can imagine what her husband must think.)  Unlike us, she was able to do something, and did. It was a clean kill.

So Brown lingers still in office, yet no longer in power. His ability to do much more terrible damage seems to have been limited. A pity that the Conservatives are second-rate politicians with sub-prime policies and ethics of their own. British claims to being a democracy are anyway much more ridiculous than a shrewd old woman derailing a prime minister with a photograph.

Nobody will be surprised that Brown, a coward and a bully, responded by meaninglessly threatening Her Majesty with constitutional “reform.”  The man is beyond embarrassing. The BBC has tried to pretend that none of this has happened.  (It’s what they leave out that’s the real scandal – not the drivel they actually broadcast.)

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  1. Lucy Wadham said, on March 30, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    “…all culminating in the magic of a puff of smoke, as The Queen once again disappeared, answering no questions, telling no lies.” Nicely put. It’s also interesting that HM’s lack of accountability does indeed serve a useful function in a culture that has laid waste to every last inch of ‘jardin secret.’

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